Contemporary Jewelry inspired by the perpetual exploration of new and unknown landscapes.

fiber landing



how can I hold the wonder inside of me?

a densely stitched textile piece was inspired by late-night stargazing in the North Cascades on Hwy 20.

expand into the unknown

a densely stitched textile piece inspired by the winter solstice, the darkest night of the year.

stitch journal 2023

a yearlong daily stitching practice

the first day of summer

a quilt inspired by the energy of summer - sunlight that stretch to the furthest corners of a day.

the vibrancy of tenderness

This quilt is informed and influenced by the shapes and teachings of the spring in the shrub-steppe.

daily stitch

A 21 day improv slow stitch project during a residency at the Grunewald Guild

winter sunset

This quilt is inspired by the vibrant sunsets on the cold dark days of winter.

the silence of January

This quilt was inspired by a snowstorm and the deep silence that follows.

arid landscapes

An explorative weaving using natural fibers inspired by the arid landscapes of North Central Highlands of Washington.


This quilt was inspired by peonies, imperfection and the promise of summer.

Woven in Place

Improvisational weaving using materials found on walks in Western North Carolina.

The Longest Winter

A series of weavings during the winter of 2014 in Boston.